VIDEOS (2010)

CarsonDalyBlueValentineAFI002BlueValentineAFI001BLUE VALENTINE (Film)
Carson Daly and red carpet interviews at the American Film Institute Fest with Mike Vogel in which he tells about his character and the experience of working alongside Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling.

Behind The Scenes material from the making of She’s Out Of My League, in which Mike Vogel tells about his character, the message of the movie, about protecting Jay’s character, the rating system, the group of buddies and about playing friends convincingly.

ShesLeagueBTS002ShesLeagueDeletedScenes002SHE’S OUT OF MY LEAGUE (Film)
Take a look Behind The Scenes and Deleted Scenes from the making of She’s Out Of My League with the cast (Jay Baruchel, Alice, Eve, T.J Miller, Mike Vogel, Nate Torrence and Krysten Ritter) and crew.

ShesLeagueAlloyTV Manny The Movie GuyShesLeagueEasylumSHE’S OUT OF MY LEAGUE (Film)
Alloy TV, Manny The Movie Guy and E-asylum interviews with Mike Vogel, Lindsay Sloane and Nate Torrence.