Source: SpoilerTV
“Based on the Arthur C. Clarke classic novel, the upcoming six-hour miniseries stars Mike Vogel (Bates Motel), Julian McMahon (Nip/Tuck), Daisy Betts (Last Resort), and Yael Stone (Orange is the New Black). The cast will be on hand along with screenwriter Matthew Graham (Doctor Who), to discuss how they brought the iconic novel to the screen for the very first time”.
#SDCC2015: SAT, JULY 11 @ 11am: #CHILDHOODSEND panel @Mike_Vogel, Julian McMahon, @Daisy_Betts, @YaelStone! Indigo Ballroom, Hilton Bayfront
— Syfy PR (@SyfyPR) June 16, 2015
Updated: Unfortunately, Mike was not able to attend, since he had to take the early flight back to Wilmington on Friday morning to continue his work on “Under The Dome”.