A new show on NBC called “The Brave” is an American drama series. “The Brave”, is military focused and its’ diverse cast depicts real-life stories throughout the series. Adam Dalton, who is played by Mike Vogel, came to visit 12 News to talk to us all about the show and we got to know a little more about his likes and dislikes. Literally.
In the series, Mike’s character is a leader of an elite group of military professionals who carry very dangerous missions to keep the world safe.
Mike says he needed to learn Arabic and Russian and so far it hasn’t been a walk in the park. We asked him if he could teach us Arabic, and he basically just recited over his script. So, yes, we make that count as him knowing Arabic.
We also played 12 News trivia 12, which are simple questions asked to our celebrity guests to get to know them better.
Ozzy: Roses or Daises?
Mike: Roses?
Mike had a hard time debating between roses or daises. Now, he says he definitely knows more about himself thanks to us.